objective classification中文什么意思

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  1. This thesis systematically analyzes the device of teaching objective of biology in high school , and then makes a comparatively overall narration about teaching - objective classification , teaching - objective determination and teaching - objective express , concerned with the device of teaching objective of biology in high school
    本文用系统方法对中学生物学教学设计进行了剖析,较全面地论述了中学生物学教学目标设计所涉及的教学目标分类、教学目标的确定和陈述(表述) 。
  2. The modified zndx in comparison with others is well indicative of the severity and extent of flood / drought event and of more objective classification of them , which is therefore quite applicable to a extended area . ( 3 ) the main anomaly structures of grades of drought / food in summer over northwest china present pluvial pattern and dry pattern in all the areas , and spatial changes are opposite pattern from the noth to the south and the west to the east . the first four rotated loading vector fields represent four principal precipitation anomaly areas : the weishui river basin , east of the qinghai - xizang plateau
    但修订过的zndx指数根据气温、土壤湿度及前期气候湿润度等因子能够客观的反映出西北地区的旱涝特征。 ( 3 )西北地区季与年区域旱涝等级表明:西北地区的干旱雨涝有显著的阶段性和年际变化特征。 1980 ’ s到1990 ’ s中期,气候较湿润,土壤湿度增墒较明显; 1990 ’ s中期以后是40年干旱最异常的时段; 1960 ’ s旱涝交替发生,旱涝趋势接近常年; 1970 ’ s气候虽干旱,但没有1990 ’ s中后期显著。
  3. We have built up a fundamental evaluating system of practical significance ? processing evaluation in the combination with the developmental trends of the whole education field , with detailed explanation of objective classification , specific content and teaching wethods in the hope of bringing forth beneficial thoughts on the china education reform which is in progress
    在这个目标下,文章结合整个教育领域的发展趋势,建立一种基础性评价体系? ?过程性评价,并从其目标分类、具体内容、方式手段等方面进行详细的阐释,以期能给正在进行的语文教改带来有益的思考。


  1. objective case 什么意思
  2. objective changement 什么意思
  3. objective changer 什么意思
  4. objective circumstances 什么意思
  5. objective circumstances of a crime 什么意思
  6. objective collar 什么意思
  7. objective color 什么意思
  8. objective complement 什么意思
  9. objective conclusion 什么意思
  10. objective condition 什么意思


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